T&A offers a wide range of automatic covers for perfect integration in skimmer-, under- and overflow pools. For overflow pools, it is recommended to stop the overflow as soon as the cover is closed in order to ensure safety and limit the heat losses. An alternative hydraulic circuit ensures that the pool water is still filtered, heated and disinfected.


Mounting types compatible with overflow pools

 Classic Line Classic Line Beach Line  Elegant line Exclusive Line Reno Line



Slatted covers from T&A meet the NF P 90-308 standard, also for overflow pools, provided that a number of regulations are respected in the design of the pool. NF P 90-308 is a standard that has been introduced to protect children up to the age of 5 years.

T&A advises you on the design of your project and provides a detailed overview of the regulations that must be followed such as the shape of overflow channel, the filter modes and the slat type of the cover.

More information can be found here